10 Incredible Mad Geniuses Who Changed the World

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Mad geniuses of the world

Across history, you will see multiple scientists and geniuses who have done something crazy and extraordinary. Their ideas and works were not just different but revolutionized the entire world. These so-called mad geniuses had some unconventional ideas and processes. In this article, we’ll be talking about 10 such incredible mad geniuses who changed the world.

10. Ada Lovelace: The Original Computer Programmer

Ada Lovelace

The world’s first computer programmer, Ada Lovelace worked with mathematician Charles Babbage in his proposed Analytical Engine (Which evolved as Computers today) in the 19th century. She believed that this machine was capable of tasks beyond ordinary mathematical machine capabilities. Almost as if it could perform all the functions the human brain could accomplish.

She detailed her notes with various calculations and developed a series of algorithms for the engine that was based on the application in music and art. However, this execution led to the development of contemporary programming based on algorithmic thinking which is still the case in today’s time. She was a perfect example of how innovative thinking doesn’t lie in gender, which was very inspiring in the old days and even today. Who can imagine, that the software world which is fully dominated by males was started by a Female?

Modern-Day Impact – Ada Lovelace’s impact in today’s world is more than ever and hopefully keeps increasing with complex algorithms, AI and creative computing.

mad genius book by Randy gage

9. Richard Feynman: The Playful Physicist

Richard Feynman

Richard Feynman was one of the greatest physicists who made complicated science talk very straightforward, interesting, and accessible. He is a perfect example of how a good teacher should be. He loved sharing his curiosity about the universe through simple words and creative demonstrations and is an excellent example of how science could be exciting and approachable if presented correctly.

Inspiring a large group of students and enthusiasts to explore the wonders of physics. He believed that one must learn with joy inspires all of us to be inquisitive and ask questions about the world around us.

If we think he was just a good teacher then you are wrong. Here are his major contribution

  1. Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) – Feynman is known for his work in Quantum Electrodynamics about the interaction of light and matter. He also earned the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965.
  2. The Feynman Lectures on Physics – The Feynman Lectures on Physics is the ultimate book of lectures by Feynman, Robert Leighton, and Matthew Sands. It is influential because it writes in an engaging and accessible way on the general principles of physics, one of the most used textbooks for students and lecturers.
  3. Feynman Diagrams – Feynman Diagrams are the visual representations that he created so that the interaction of complex particles can be easily understood by other physicists. It helps them calculate outcomes in quantum mechanics.
  4. The Manhattan Project – He also worked in the Los Alamos laboratory throughout World War II on the atomic bomb under the Manhattan Project initiative.
  5. Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!“: This collection of anecdotes and insights about his life renders an amusing figure, curiously keen, and science to share, relate, and entertain.

Modern-Day Impact – Along with this contribution in Physics and Quantum Electrodynamics that will keep evolving. His teaching methods that bring intuitive understanding are well-known ways that are used very often these days. His books which showcase his legacy continue to inspire thousands if not millions.

8. Virginia Woolf: Master of Inner Worlds

Virginia Woolf
Credits: CJ McDaniels

Virginia Woolf, an English writer born in 1882 is considered one of the most influential modernist authors of the 20th century.

Why it was the case? She had an amazing ability to take readers a deep dive into the character’s mind and thoughts. This unique style of writing which is still uncommon was very rare and ceased to exist in those days. She referred to this style as “Stream of Consciousness“.

Her popular Novels like “Mrs Dalloway” and “To the Lighthouse” make us question our lives, and how much control we have over them. How time can play games with us and much more. Woolf was also a great feminist; she pleaded for women to raise their voices and fought against society for equality.

Modern-Day Impact – Her work and people from literature still resonate and admire her thought process and bring a sense of impactful storytelling in their writing.

7. Thomas Edison: The Inventive Wizard

Thomas Edison
Credit: Buyenlarge/Getty Images

Thomas Edison is a well-known personality in the history of humankind. We all know he invented the Electric bulb which made him super popular across the generations. But the interesting fact is he didn’t invent the light bulb. Instead, he improved on existing designs by creating a longer-lasting filament, making the light bulb commercially viable. But that doesn’t decrease his contribution to society instead it elevated as he developed a complete system for electrical power distribution which made it viable for widespread usage.

He later made the first phonograph (later known as the gramophone, basically olden days music player) and even helped people explore the idea of motion pictures. His famous quote “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.“.

Modern-Day Impact: His works are still lighting our homes, offices, and streets every single day and his quotes and ideas inspire millions to be better with their work.

6. Salvador Dalí: The Surrealist Personality

Salvador Dalí

Salvador Dalí was a surrealist artist and painter known for his fantasy, and dream paintings that visualize quirky nature and reality. His most famous work, ‘The Persistence of Memory‘, features melting clocks that symbolize time and reality

Here it is

The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dalí
Credit : Salvador Dalí

For many artists, his odd Personality, eccentric stunts, and creativity were inspirational. He even expanded his creativity beyond painting to films, advertising and much more.

5. Marie Curie: Who Discovered RadioActivity

Marie Curie

If we talk about Marie Curie she is known for her groundbreaking discovery of the Radioactivity phenomenon. Marie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and even now, she is the only individual to receive awards in two scientific fields of physics and Chemistry.

Modern-Day Impact – Curie’s research led to important advancements in medical treatments, especially for cancer, and opened the door for future discoveries in science. Despite facing many challenges as a woman in a male-dominated field, she never gave up on her passion for knowledge.

Marie Curie’s dedication and achievements inspire us all to pursue our dreams and push the boundaries of what’s possible!

4. Steve Jobs: The Disruptive Innovator

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was a mad genius and an innovative entrepreneur. With his partner Larry Ellison, one of the co-founders of Apple Inc. He lead the foundation of tech Giant Apple. His belief system was always based on the beautiful design that comes with simplicity and inclined towards the famous mantra “Think Different”.

Modern-day Impact – He is one of the popular inspirations for Entrepreneurs and goes behind the famous book “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson to know more things in detail.

3. Leonardo da Vinci: The Renaissance Rock Star

Leonardo da Vinci Creative mad genius

Leonardo was a great personality in the Renaissance period. Do you agree that when you think about Da Vinci the image of “The Mona Lisa” Or “The Last Supper” comes to mind? He had such a wonderful talent for depicting feelings and other minor details. But do you know he was not just a painter? He was very inquisitive about everything that surrounded him!

Understanding how the Human body works as can be understood Vitruvian Man, drawing plans for flying machines and more of the stuff that we use today was already into the imagination of Leonardo. He is known for combining Art and Science through his artistic talent which paved the way towards the innovation of many modern advances.

2. Albert Einstein: The Ultimate Game-Changer

Albert Einstein Mad genius

Albert Einstein is another mad genius known for many things including his crazy level of IQ. He gave us various reasons for putting him on this list, including the concept of time, space, dimensions, gravity, theory of relativity. In the world of physicists, he is most popular for his equation of energy and mass E = mc2

What makes Einstein special is the thought process that he brought to the world. Solving big questions and challenges. As he stated, “Imagination is more important than knowledge,” reminding us that creativity is the secret to discovery. It would be hard to believe if someone didn’t know about Einstein.

1. Nikola Tesla: The Electric Maverick

Nikola Tesla Mad genius

Born in 1856 in what is now Croatia, It wouldn’t be incorrect to say Tesla was one of the scientists who truly revolutionised the world at ground level. This great genius invented electricity that we use today in our daily lives. Alternating Current (AC) by Nikola not only allowed us to use it for various reasons but also allowed it to travel long distances through cables without wasting much power.

He had some wild futuristic visions such as wireless energy transmission for communication and daily use across the town and cities. Although financially significantly impaired and encountering far more than his share of problems, Tesla’s legacy endures today as a symbol of creativity and relentless pursuit of knowledge, inspiring generations to imagine the limitless possibilities of science and innovation.

Modern-day Impact – Tesla’s AC system still powers homes worldwide, showing how madness often fuels groundbreaking innovation that becomes imminent across generations.

Hope these geniuses inspired you for many good stuff and you got to learn from them.

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